Monday, November 15

i set fire to our bed

my sincerest apologies for ditching you guys over the weekend and not posting when i promised. there are plenty of excuses for why I neglected to update, and they are all great. first of all, I do not own a scanner, so I have to make gruesome 10 minute trek over to our lovely design lab on campus. i've made that trek at least 5 times in the last couple of days, but alas, people like to use the computers with the scanners even if they aren't scanning and leave the 20 computers without scanners to those of us trying to update our blogs. my other excuse, which is even better than the former, was that philly based artist Chiddy Bang came to our campus to preform this saturday night, so of course I went to that. i just so happen to know some of the people who helped organize the concert, so about 5 of us got to hang out with Chidera and friends after the show for a few hours. and if your going to be angry that i choose that instead of being hunched over a scanner and computer, then there's nothing else to talk about. you may go.

anyway, enough about me, let's talk about me. i've been working on some pretty big plans for this modest little blogger profile, including our own domain name, maybe expanding to stuff outside of my personal work, and most of all, adding a store. my long term plan is to have a screen printing shop in my basement, but those are unimaginably expensive, so that will have to wait. for now, I will have to get by with a cafe press shop. their base prices are a little ridiculous, which is why this is only temporary.

once I start making a little money, I am planning on ordering wholesale and managing it on my own, allowing me to drop the price (hopefully significantly). but in order to do that and provide decently priced shirts in a world of freaking $20 t-shirts, I am going to need to sell some stuff! as of right now, the shop is pretty bare, excluding the one shirt I have. all my free time from now until eternity will be dedicated to getting more content up here and on my shop. expect more shirts, posters, greeting cards (oh, i'm not kidding) and whatever else suits my fancy.

SO- buy my stuff and write it off as a charitable donation to a poor college student who just wants to design (hopefully cool) t-shirts and stuff. You might get a special prize if you buy something. maybe. I'll definitely give you a shout out on the site and link to your site if you have one.

also, if your not already (which your not), you should totally follow me on Twitter and DailyBooth because I post things on their that I don't on here. for example, my friday doodles will now be updated on DailyBooth and not just on fridays, so be sure to check it often!

this was a long, boring post with no pictures, so if you skipped down to the bottom, here's a summary:

buy my stuff now so I can eventually make it better and cheaper for you
follow me on twitter
be sure to always keep one eye on my continuously updating doodles on DailyBooth

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